Monday, September 25, 2006

Week 2 - Now with maps

So Derek phoned me up and asked me to take Jamie's place at the World Cup finals. after taking the weekend to think about it I said yes. The World Cup Finals are going to be an immense week of tricky orienteering. See for Thierry's training in the area and to see what we're up against!

Having been picked my training has carried on as usual. Three weeks notice is too short to make drastic changes to my training programme especially when coming back from a short break. So this is what I did in Week 2 of my Autumn Training:

11th Sept - 46 mins, 11kms. A nice run on the beach

12th - Killer intervals

Here I did a very tough, sharp session. I started by running hard on the flat for 1:15ish, then hit "the pyramid", an old coal bing which was 30s of very tough steep uphill. I've not felt as short of breath as i did at the top for a very long time!
13th - 61 mins, 14.6km. Exploring new paths, this was a nice route (apart from running through tranent at the end)

14 th - Trotter training - Km's North Of Bog. Absolutely tipping it down with rain which made the training a bit of a washout, as it was more about staying on your feet than running fast. Still good though - changed to paarlauf so no one was standing around.

15 th Gullane to Tranent road run. Another point to point run, this time 64mins/15km (ish - not measured). Didn't feel great due to not drinking much all day, then running straight into the sun with no sunglasses! Still quicker than i expected (sure its taken 80 in the past)

16th - 30 min easy jog with Louise. A rest day for me.

17th - The Sunday Long Run - one of the most important runs of my training week, this was my first SLR for a couple of months. *Only* 26km in 109 mins, this will be built up to 32km+ and 150+

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