A significantly easier week this week, probably the last for a while, but still had all the main ingredients.
18th - Tour de tranent, evening run, short and hard. 26 mins/7km
19th - Intervals, 5x 2.5 on, 1.5 off. Some pain in my foot in the third rep so i switched from hard path to soft grass and it was fine.
20th - rest day
21st - Trotter training, hill reps 4x60s, 2 min rest, 2x90s, 4x60s. Quite an easy session, pushing hard to stay ahead of Ray Ward.
22nd - Hungover, managed to drag myself around 8km of east lothian countryside. But I didn't enjoy it. WHB is to blame.
23rd - Junior Home International. Ran the M18 course after it was all over. Some of the controls were still out. Rhodri posted a very good time of 47 mins for the 7.4 km course so I couldn't cruise round. In the end I had a good clean run, not sure about 1 route and I banana'ed the second long leg, but I'm happy with my 44 minutes. Map to follow later.
24th - 2xshort and fast. WC will be the first time I've raced twice in the same day for a while so today was a simulation of that. Run 1 was straight out of bed, into the pouring rain and puddles to do one of my old school XC routes, a rolling 3.4km of road, dirt tracks and grass. I think my 10:50 was slightly down on my PB, but only by 10s at most and not bad given the conditions. Run 2 ended up late in the evening, so rather than repeating the mornings (unlit) route, i just ran two laps of the block, which is a hilly 1.1km and took me 3:33, 3:35. Felt good for secodn time out, which is reassuring.
So all in all only around 4 hrs /45km this week, nothing to shout about and I'm sure it'll be my least of the season.
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